1032-Painting: Level 1

Building Construction

1032 Painting Level 1

COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study include-
Careers in the Painting Trade
Ladders, Scaffolds, Lifts and Fall
Identifying Surface/ Substrate Materials and Conditions
Protecting Adjacent Surfaces
Basic Surface Preparation
Sealants and Repair/ Fillers
Introduction to Paints and Coating

Brushing and Rolling Paints and Coatings

Painting Level 1

PROGRAM: Building Construction
TIMES OFFERED: Day, Evening, Weekend
JOB PLACEMENT OFFERED: Job Placement Services

Minority Contractors Collaboration (MCC) provides training in Painting. NCCER’s three-level curriculum in painting covers topics such as basic surface preparation, wood finishing and texturing, providing numerous career paths for professional growth in the painting industry. Painting A program that prepares individuals creatively and technically to express emotions, ideas, or inner visions by the application of paints and related chemical color substances to canvases or other materials. Includes instruction in color and color mixing, surface preparation, composition, oil and acrylic media, watercolor media, painting techniques, and personal style development.